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Before booking ombré powder brow service please take a moment to fully review eligibility requirements and pre-care instructions.


Eligibility Requirements 

Although most clients are great candidates for ombre brows, The following are conditions that will not qualify a person for this eyebrow procedure:

  • Under age 18

  • Currently pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Has cancer and currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.

  • Taking steroid medication and Prednisone (Must be off for at least 2 months).

  • Has an open wound present in brow area.

  • If you take Roaccutane or Accutane for acne you must have finished these 6 months prior to having your procedure.

Please obtain consent from your doctor before booking an ombre brow procedure if:

  • Have diabetes and under doctor’s care (frequent visits / uncontrolled A-1C levels). Have been in remission from cancer for 1 year

  • Have high blood pressure and/or a diabetic

  • Using blood thinning prescriptions

  • Have an autoimmune disease


Pre-Care Instructions

The following facial procedures must be avoided prior to ombre brow procedures:

2 days

  • Do not drink alcohol or caffeine 48 hours prior to your procedure

1 week

  • All blood thinners should be avoided 1 week prior to procedure including Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Motrin, Aspirin, Excedrin, Wardarin, Coumadin, Oil Supplements such as Fish Oil, Vitamin E Oil, and Primrose Oil.

  • Avoid all antibiotics, iron supplements and magnesium 1 week prior to procedure

  • Any mood-altering drugs such as aderol & xanax, should be avoided 1 week prior to procedure.

2 Weeks

  • If you wax, pluck, or tint your eyebrows, this must be avoided 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

3 Weeks

  • No facial tanning for 3 weeks prior or facial sunburn.

4 Weeks

  • No skin needling for 4 weeks prior to the procedure.

  • No botox or chemical peels of any kind for 4 weeks prior to procedure. This includes Glycolic, Pumpkin, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Salicylic Acid, Microdermabrasion, Laser Facials, other ablative and on-ablative. Also included are Fraxel, Co2, and IPL laser treatments.

  • Do not use active skin products that contain AHA, Retinol A or Vitamin A products on or around the brow area for a month prior to the procedure.

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